Determining The Credibility Of Evidence And Resources

Healthcare research is vital. It helps healthcare providers provide safe care to patients. Through research, healthcare providers are more informed about the benefits and risks of certain interventions. in addition, healthcare providers need to keep on reading research to update their knowledge in the area. This is because a lot of information is surfacing, and sometimes, healthcare providers must leave behind some of the past practices. While conducting research, healthcare providers must use credible and relevant studies Determining The Credibility Of Evidence And Resources.


A diagnosis that Benefits from Evidence-Based Practice

In the United States, obesity affects one in five children and adolescents, making it a serious public health concern. All children risk gaining more weight than is deemed healthy, although some subsets of children are more likely to be affected than others. The issue of obesity is challenging. A rise in excess weight can be attributed to various causes, including behavior, inheritance, and specific drugs. However, societal and local elements also affect our capacity to make wise choices. These include the settings in which kids are raised and schooled, the design of neighborhoods, the cost of nourishing foods and beverages, and the accessibility of secure and practical locations for physical activity. A happy and healthy childhood is a right that belongs to every child. Obesity is linked to worse results for mental health and a lower quality of life. In the United States and worldwide, obesity is related to the primary causes of death, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer Determining The Credibility Of Evidence And Resources.

The evidence-based approach is beneficial in managing health issues. The research will provide healthcare providers with various treatment options that can be used. In addition, the healthcare provider will be able to provide evidence-based information on how one can avoid suffering from the condition. Based on research, the healthcare provider can predict the outcomes of care.

Determining Credibility of Resources

The CRAAP test is used to test the credibility of resources. While conducting research, especially online, one will come across a lot of information, some of which are not credible. While using the test, one assesses the articles’ currency, relevance, authority, accuracy and purpose (Abrams et al., 2022)Determining The Credibility Of Evidence And Resources. When it comes to currency, one needs to consider when the article was published, whether the information has been revised, and whether the links provided are functional. Relevance determines the significance of the study to the research. Therefore, one must consider whether the article relates to their question or topic. In addition, establish the targeted audience. Authority is an aspect used to evaluate the author’s qualification. Therefore, one will check the author’s credentials and organizational affiliations. In addition, check if the author has left some contact information. Accuracy tests the radiality of the data. In this aspect, one examines if the information is peer-reviewed, supported by evidence, can other researches support the research finding or from one’s experience. Do the conclusions match one experience and the tone of the author? Purpose evaluates why the information exists. The drive can be to persuade, educate, entertain or sell. Also, check if the author has cleared their intentions. Consider if the information provided is based on facts, propaganda or opinions.

While conducting the study, I will select researches published within the last five years. in addition, the studies will be on childhood obesity. The selected articles will be peer-reviewed by recognized medical and nursing websites.

Analysis of the Credibility and Relevance of Evidence and Resources

The first article is titled “Taking action on childhood obesity”. The article was published in 2018. Therefore, the article is current. The article aims at addressing strategies that can help eliminate childhood obesity. This is relevant in that the information addresses the topic of interest. The World Health Organization writes the article. WHO is recognized worldwide for its contribution to the medical field. The information provided is supported by evidence.

The second article is titled “Nutritional management in childhood obesity”. The article was published in 2019. The article is relevant because its discussions relate to the topic of interest. PubMed Central publishes the article. It is a recognized database in the medical field. The authors work with the Research Institute of Medical Nutrition, Kyung Hee University. The authors have left contact information that can be used to get in touch with them. The article is peer-reviewed. The information from the article can be supported by other research. The author declares no conflict of interest.

The last article is titled “Prevention and management of childhood obesity and its psychological and health comorbidities”. The article is current. In addition, the article has been selected because it is relevant to the topic. It highlights how to prevent and manage psychological and health comorbidities associated with obesity. The author works at the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago. In addition, the authors have provided an email that can be used to assess them. Other articles can support the information provided by the article. In addition, the facts are applicable in the field. The information provided is not biased. There is no conflict of interest Determining The Credibility Of Evidence And Resources.

While conducting the research, the keywords used include “childhood obesity” and “prevention and management of obesity”. The first article by WHO is the most significant because, in addition to providing strategies for eliminating childhood obesity, it provides information on its statistics and causes. The second article provides detailed information on how nutrition helps address the issues. The third article is significant in providing information on psychological and health comorbidities resulting from obesity.


Evidence-Based Practice Model

According to Chiwaula et al., (2021) the IOWE approach, which was developed in the 1990s, assisted nurses in incorporating research into patient therapy. It assists nurses in identifying problems, investigating possible solutions, and putting change into action. Determining the problem or factor that caused the change is the first step. Knowledge or problem-focused approaches can be used. The second step involves considering the difficulties facing the practice, the department, and the organization in priority order. Third, the evolution of EBP is directed by a group of people. The team must be diversified. Create a research topic to direct the data gathering and analysis in the fourth step of the process. Fifth, analyze and criticize the various pieces of literature. The team also considers the appropriateness of the alteration from a scientific standpoint. Determine whether or not the information is sufficient to persuade the group to make a change. If there is enough research evidence, the intervention is evaluated in more extensive settings. Step 7 is full adoption. The step is based on whether the research is adequate to implement the change Determining The Credibility Of Evidence And Resources.


The nurse’s role is to conduct research to offer evidence-based care. The nurse needs to develop effective strategies to conduct research. Research improves the quality of care Determining The Credibility Of Evidence And Resources